There is so much innovation going into the design of modern offices that it’s becoming harder and harder to keep up. That said, many business owners often end up making very basic mistakes in their office designs. It’s now a fact, based on numerous studies, that a good physical working space leads to increased productivity.

Given how important it is to get it right when doing your office fitout, you should at least know the do’s and don’ts early enough. We explore some of the common mistakes business owners make when designing their retail offices. Don’t worry if you have fallen victim to any of these blunders, there are easy fixes for them as well.

Copy Pasting Designs

Yes, that office space portrait in the magazine you are reading might look stunning but it doesn’t mean it will work for you. People always look for inspiration from other sources and end up implementing the same ideas in their office space. Some of the office design ideas you see in magazines might not be practical in the real world. A fit-out in another organization might work perfectly for them but be terrible for yours.

Do This Instead – Finding office fit-out inspiration from other sources is not bad. However, you must carry out a comprehensive assessment of your specific needs and try to fit the design into your setup. This might involve getting input from your employees or seeking expert advice on how best to modify a good design to fit your purposes without copy-pasting it.

Improvisation and DIY

This is a mistake that many people make when designing their office. Don’t leave anything to chance when designing your office. For instance, power ports and networking provisions should be made according to a set plan.

Do This Instead – Don’t just install workstations and force employees to start pulling power cords and networking cables from wherever they are positioned. It’s always important to engage experts in the design and installation of fittings in your office.

Not Keeping Up with The Trends

There is a general trend towards having open spaces with lots of natural lighting and indoor plants. This is just an example of a modern office design direction you cannot ignore. Your employees are not aliens and may even have come from offices that have these modern designs.

Do This Instead – Know what is trendy and try to incorporate as much of modern office design as possible. This will make your office attractive to young employees and even increase their productivity.

Ignoring the Common Areas

There is this place in your office where most of your employees will spend a lot of time in. It can be a shared kitchen, balcony, hallway or even a meeting room. Today’s business environment encourages collaboration more than ever. Some of the young workers (such as millennials) might even prefer to work from these common areas all day. Some office designers often ignore these spaces when designing their offices.

Do This Instead- Common areas are becoming more important as office cultures change. Have all the necessary amenities in these areas and also decorate them appropriately. You might even throw in some entertainment pieces such as pool tables and a television set.

Final Remarks

Nothing should stop you from designing your office exactly the way you want it. However, try not to avoid the planning stage and also think about your employees. Above all, have some expert input in the whole process as they will help you avoid most of these mistakes.