Offices are starting to move away from the traditional setup. One of the latest trends includes investing in stylish office kitchen design – transforming it into a space comfortable for all without disturbing office operations.

Why Office Kitchen?

Gone are the days when an office kitchen or kitchenette meant a small space with a refrigerator, a microwave, a kettle, a coffeemaker, and some tables and chairs. These days, office kitchens now blend utility and style, allowing employees to whip up a nice meal or dessert during their breaks and socialise at the same time.

Tips for Office Kitchen Design

When deciding for the overall look of your office kitchen, below are points to remember.

The Kitchen Triangle

To make sure your office kitchen stays organized and efficient in a fast-paced environment, do not forget The Kitchen Triangle – a must-know kitchen design principle.

A kitchen triangle is a three-point zone allowing easy access to the fridge, cooker, and sink. Your kitchen design must be able to accommodate different team members preparing other meals at the same time.

Invest in New Appliances

The microwave is an office kitchen staple, but this should not be your limit. Consider investing in new appliances such as an oven. With this little investment, your team can move from instant to warm lunches and freshly baked cookies.

Do not skip the microwave, though, as some would prefer to have a quick lunch. You can make your office kitchen more efficient by having more than one microwave and no more waiting for the other person to finish heating their meals. Also read: Kitchen Benchtop Materials – A List of the Best Options

Make it More Fun and Social

Add more fun into your office kitchen by making it a warm and cozy place for socialisation. Consider adding a TV and some classic board/card games, comfortable chairs, and casual tables to encourage conversation. You can even level it up and bring in a pool table or a gaming console.

Wrapping up

Your office kitchen design should be a reflection of your company. Office kitchens are a great way to keep the team happy and healthy. They also give everyone the space to relax and spend time with colleagues, improving their overall relationships – whether they enjoy cooking or having a quick meal.