Are you thinking of renovating your home? Are you unsure of how you are going to prepare for this renovation? Renovating a home is much like building or buying a house. It requires much thought and planning for it to work out perfectly. As renovation experts in Perth, we have put together 6 tips to help you prepare for your home renovation.

1. Plan your Budget Well

It is important to look into your budget and know much you are willing to spend in renovating your home. Whether you want to renovate it into your ‘dream home’ or if you are just renovating some rooms, your budget should be very clear on the costs.

It is also important to set aside a small amount of money for emergency purposes as things may not always go as planned. It would be a shame if you are unable to complete the project you start due to insufficient funds.

2. Find the right Contractor

No matter how small your home is, it is important that you get the best team for the job. You should be keen to look into the qualifications of your contractor, their previous works and the validity of their license. This is because quality work should be your number one priority. Do not allow unprofessional contractors to do some shaddy work and get away with your money!

3. Do what you can do!

Despite the fact that you are not a contractor, there must be something you can do during the renovation. The internet is a good teacher when it comes to learning new things and thus you should take this advantage. It’s however important to avoid some of the technical work that requires the professionals. Before the renovations, plan and practice what you can do!

4. Know what you want

Even before pitching the idea of the renovation to your contractor, it is important that you know what kind of designs you want in the house. Research on the different designs and styles of rooms such as kitchens and sitting areas, the type of floor you want and the design you want for your cabinets and wardrobes. This will ensure that the contractor has a clear picture of what you want and advise you on how it can be done.

5. Consider Other Options

As much as you want that ‘dream home’, sometimes your budget may not allow you or some of the ideas may be illogical. You should also look into other designs and consult your contractor for some advice that may as well bring you back on track budget wise. Be prepared to try our different options.

6. Time your Renovation plans

It is important that you are clear with the contractor on the timeline that the project should last. This should also help you plan on where you will stay while the house is under renovations and for how long. It will also ensure that the contractor doesn’t stall or delay the project.


Renovating your home is not something you wake up and decide to do. It requires prior planning and budgeting for it to be successful. So, if you are thinking of renovating your house, the things mentioned above are a must do!

If you need any help, feel free to contact us. Chest Constructions – commercial builders Perth